Blair speaks out about South Antrim Roads.

Alliance Party MLA, John Blair spoke this week in the Assembly on the need for roads infrastructure improvement in South Antrim.

The South Antrim MLA said: “My office is receiving daily reminders from constituents on the need for repair and upgrade of roads infrastructure in South Antrim. This week, I spoke in the Assembly on this issue and pressed the need for active travel solutions in the constituency.”

Mr Blair stated his gratitude and appreciation of local officials on their continued work throughout the constituency on tackling these issues during times of restricted funding and lack of staffing. As well as during the pressures of the COVID period.

Mr Blair has said “We do, of course, in South Antrim, just as you would expect in all constituencies, have to draw a distinction between remedial, repair and road safety related works and longer-term plans and strategies, which should by their nature, be more medium to long-term. It is also vital that this planning is collaborative to encompass the numerous, though necessary, strategic programmes aimed at improvements in relation to active travel, greenways and reducing car use if we are serious about a green recovery”.

He added “So while we await scheduled improvements it is my hope that resources will also be dedicated to meeting the long term needs of all constituencies, including South Antrim, with appropriate focus on a sustainable transport system. Hopefully co-operation on these matters will be cross-party, inter-departmental and a priority for all levels of government.”

The South Antrim MLA welcomed the Minister’s comments during the debate and said he will carry on fighting for South Antrim constituents on these matters.

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